
The journey to this life was never easy. What I am today is because of all the people who have influenced me to be what I am. I believe I am a very strong, spirited individual. Independent. What I have achieved right now is the fruit of my labor. All the hard work. All the sacrifice. I chose this life I have. I may have had crossed a wrong path and followed a unwinding road but I was able to get back on track and fulfill this lifelong journey. I have concrete plans. And i was able to achieve it. And i will continue to try to achieve all my other plans. I have big dreams. For me and my family.

My two little kids now is my source of strength. They are the reason I am living. They are my life. I would do anything to protect them. To give them what they need. To shower them with my love. My two kids are my source of joy. They filled my heart with so much happiness. They take away my tiresome and gives me buckets of energy. Their smiles are precious.

My husband is my source of comfort. I can be who I am without having to pretend that I need to be superwoman all the time. My husband is my ground that reminds me that it is okay to make mistakes and through those mistakes, you get up and learn and do better.

I am happy. For what I am today i chose to find peace in my heart. I found contentment on little things that gives great comfort.

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