My 10 tips on Breastfeeding

This post is in relation to my previous post regarding my saga with Gabriel. I am not an expert. I am just a regular mom. But for a year of breastfeeding, i have learned a lot and I have read a lot of informations on how to keep up with this journey.

Everyone knows it is the best thing for the baby. But not everyone have the same attitude about it. “Yes it could be done.” “No, I am too busy and too tired to still do it.” “That’s why there is formula”. Again it was not easy but its all worth it… When you’re falling into the trap of having low supply and the only thing you think is the solution to give formula, think again and assess yourself. How much can you give? How is breastfeeding for you? Have you given enough?

1. Set a GOAL. How long do you plan to exclusively breastfeed your infant? How much time are you willing to invest? Do you just want to do it for a month? For three months? For six months? A year? Or until he self weans? Your own timeline is your strongest power on how long you will go with the journey. Exclusive breastfeeding means no water, no formula, no vitamins, no other source of food, but only breast milk. Just saying I will breastfeed my child until I can will not guarantee you to achieve an optimum goal of exclusively breastfeeding your infant.

2. Ditch the formula. For every ounce of formula you give your child, for me it’s two ounces of breast milk that you missed to produce. Experts do say though that for every ounce of formula equals an ounce of breast milk that your body will not produce.  Be armed with knowledge on dangers of formula to your babies. As much as you’re scared to eat meat because of all the documentaries on how meat are being slaughtered/ processed, you will know how scary it is as well when you open your eyes and see how formulas are made of, how cows are cared for to produce abundant milk. Start early on giving your child the best nutrition.

3. Power pump. Hand expression is the best choice for extracting more milk other than a sucking baby. Pump every hour. Pump for 20 minutes, rest for ten until you reach an hour. Pump on one breast while your baby is feeding on the other breast. Pump prior to your baby’s feeding time. Pump after you feed your baby. Pump in the early morning. You might not collect 3 or more ounces each session but every time you get half an ounce for each time, by the end of the day, you could have collected more than 5 ounces.

4. Latch. latch. latch. Direct latching is always the best choice. The baby is the best stimulant. Breastfeeding is a law of supply and demand. The more you latch your baby, the more you signals the breast to produce milk. Same mechanism when you pump. The more you pump, the more you produce milk.

5. Relax yourself. Use warm shower. Pamper yourself for a visit at the salon. It doesn’t mean that because you’re breastfeeding, you need to look awful. Make yourself feel pretty. Don’t mind if you have taken all the different kind of galactogogues and yet you’re still having little output. It’s okay to feel down. It happens to everybody. But it doesn’t mean you have to put yourself down more. Do the mantra, “I have milk, I have lots of milk”. Whatever you produce is whatever your baby needs at the moment. Remember this picture in mind all the time..


6. Take your galactogogues and other supplements. It’s always nice to have something to make us feel comfortable. You can have all the malunggay leaves if you want, or the oats, or whatever kind of supplement that you feel like would increase your milk production if it makes you happy. It doesn’t hurt anyways. You can have lactation massage. Have sex with your husband. but always remember that latching the baby will be the best stimulant for the breast to produce milk. So when you eat your sinigang or take your malunggay capsules, still, have the baby latch. Latch the baby. Latch the baby.

7. Know the hunger cues. It doesn’t mean that if baby cries, baby is hungry. Maybe they just want to be cuddled. Maybe they just need the warmth of your comfort. Don’t be afraid to hold the baby. Do the skin to skin contact. Hold them close to your heart so they can hear the same heartbeat they have been hearing when they’re inside your womb.

8. Pray. Always, always pray for more milk, for more guidance, for more strength to be able to go through this journey. Offer yourself to the Lord as He will always, always grant the wishes of your heart. It doesn’t need to be a litany. It could be just a short prayer.

9. Find your support group. Your husband might not be the best person to say “let’s exclusively breastfeed the baby”. Remember he’s  also afraid just like you. Your mother nor mother in law, sisters, brothers and the rest of your relatives and neighbors are neither. Grandparents are excited Lola and Lolo, have waited for the baby to come out and they only wanted the best as well for the baby. It’s been yearrssss since they cared for their own baby. And time had changed. They probably forgot how they dealt with the pain of breastfeeding or why they stop breastfeeding. It’s good to expect support from them because they are the one who help us care for the baby. But don’t be mad if they would offer other alternatives. Instead, teach them. Give them all the information that you have read anywhere that convince you that breastfeeding is the best for the baby.

10. Join Breastfeeding Pinay in Facebook. This group in Facebook is one of the most helpful group I have joined. They will support you all the way through. They will guide you to the right path. They will direct you on what you need. They are the best.

Again, its okay to feel down. But there are ways to come UP. Have an enjoyable journey with breastfeeding. 🙂

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