

I seldom watch a movie until recently. I think staying more at home gives you reason to relax and unwind. I remember when everyone was so addicted with the movie Frozen. I always wonder why? I love the song and even my son loves it.

“Let it go, let it go. Can’t hold back anymore”

I couldn’t remember how many times we played the YouTube video and every time, the song mesmerizes him.

“Let it go, let it go. You’ll never see me cry”

I remember renting it in ON Demand and yet I wasn’t able to finish it. I watched it at a friend’s house and still I was not able to understand nor finish the movie. And finally, husband gave me a Blu Ray copy and I spent my time watching the whole movie…

I love Disney movies. I will always be a kid at heart when watching them. Belle will always be my favorite and “Be my guest” would always be a song I love to hear all the time.

And Frozen? It did touch my heart. For the past years, we have always been taught that we needed a prince to save a damsel in distress. But Frozen. Frozen taught us that love is not only found from a man and we don’t always need a prince for our happily ever after.

“An act of true love”—-> love from our family.

People always try to look outside the four corners of their homes trying to find love. People tend to forget the one closes to them could actually be the only one they needed to find their greatest happiness. It doesn’t matter if we had wronged them or they had wronged us. We don’t need to be the perfect girl. We might have our each own’s differences but it doesn’t mean that we could never be the same. Our family will always love us.

Another learning: It’s not always true for love at first sight. Nor that the first good guy you met is always the best guy. Sometimes, you really have to stumble many times before you finally meet the right one.

“Here I stand in the light of day. Let the storm rage on”.




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